Customer testimonials
We have now been successfully using the aforms product for 11 years - the Solothurn number. Experience has shown that we chose the right product and the right company back then.
With AFORMSOLUTION (AFS), online dialogs for data collection (forms) are easily created and efficiently managed. AFS forms are responsive and are available for PCs, mobile devices or as print forms.
With designer & server you can easily create and manage forms.
More about the module
The inbox and the relay guarantee secure processing and forwarding of application data.
More about the module
The tester automatically checks the functionality of forms.
More about the module
With portalAPI, forms can be easily integrated into portals.
More about the module
Form creation with the aforms designer is simple and user-friendly.
By offering online help at field, block and form level, AFS forms can be designed to be user-friendly
AFS forms comply with international and national standards, such as the style guide for online forms 3.0 of the BLSG working group (AT), or essential eCH e-government standards (CH).
Forms defined with AFS are stored centrally in an XML repository and are available for PCs, mobile devices and as print forms.
Modern software solutions are often a combination of specialized individual components.
AFS is continuously developed according to customer requirements. New AFS versions are regularly made available as part of all-in maintenance.
More about the basic concept
Each AFS form can be assigned a freely configurable Excel template. This makes it possible to export recorded form data to Excel, edit the data offline and load it back into the form. The Excel comment function is used for simple mapping of the form fields in the Excel template.
To the feature
AFS forms can be filled with data from backend systems and application data entered in AFS can be written to backend systems.
Data protection, data security, traceability and the comprehensive support of national identification and signature technologies are essential prerequisites for the success of AFS.
AFS supports the application signature with different country-specific technologies.
The aforms server can take over the form inventory of another form server during operation.
The forms can be called up immediately in the aforms designer and handed over for approval or live operation.
We have now been successfully using the aforms product for 11 years - the Solothurn number. Experience has shown that we chose the right product and the right company back then.
I have rarely - actually never - experienced an IT service provider that lives the customer service concept so consistently. Thank you AFS!
The core of Formularservice Burgenland is the aforms server. It stands out thanks to its ease of use (keyword: style guide conformity), simple maintainability and the ability to provide new online forms quickly and without programmatic effort.
Appenzell Ausserrhoden is looking forward to using a proven solution that is already in use in 6 cantons. In addition to a professional appearance, synergies will also be created among the customers of AFS.
The decisive factors for choosing AFORMSOLUTION were the simple and dynamic form generation, the wide range of options and the connection to the GEVER system Acta Nova.