Announcement: SV-Summit on September 3 in Zurich

On 3 September, learn first-hand from the social insurance companies SVA St.Gallen and SVZ Thurgau as well as from aforms, based on current project reports, why social insurance companies have opted for a forms management system to increase efficiency and customer satisfaction in their organization.

You can expect insights into...

  • ...the reasons for choosing the AFS forms management system
  • ...the approach to implementing the solution in existing infrastructures
  • ...the improvements achieved in processing and customer service

The summit is aimed specifically at representatives of social insurance companies to demonstrate the advantages that a form solution can offer, such as

Less effort in processing:
The digitisation of forms and processes offers significant time savings and greater efficiency in further processing without queries.

Shorter processing times and customer satisfaction:
The implementation of online services shortens turnaround times in the processing of enquiries and applications, resulting in improved customer satisfaction.

Don't miss the opportunity to get direct feedback from the presenting organisations to gain deeper insights into the practical application and results achieved.

Register now and gain valuable insights into best practices that can help you optimise your organisation's processes and take your services to the next level.

Are you a representative of a social insurance organisation and interested in participating? Just get in touch with us!

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